Monday, December 1, 2014

The Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds 3DS Review

No suggestions? None? Okay, let's do another 3DS review. 

The Legend of Zelda series has a weird history with me. I have almost never been good with puzzle games, I rarely ever played Zelda games aside from the first game and Wind Waker. Whenever I would see a Zelda game I would respond with "oh, well, that exists, I guess" and forget about it. But finally, Zelda fans, the day has come, for that kid named Ian who none of you actually know has found his true introduction into the Zelda franchise, the very game that will get him interested in the series! 

The Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds is the first Zelda game I have ever played all the way through and beaten. It's the first Zelda game that had me sucked in for weeks, and in case you couldn't tell by the way I was talking about it, I really like this game. Throughout the review I will try to explain the gameplay, puzzles, and more, but keep in mind that because I don't play Zelda games very often, I'm not familiar with some of the more subtle tropes from the series. Anyway, without further ado, let's dig into what I think!

First, the story. This game takes place many, many years after Link to The Past for the SNES, which explains the similar design, camera view, and gameplay. The idea is that some villain who's name I can't remember because of how generic they are (this is Zelda, I should expect these things) is wants to remake Hyrule in their image, filled with all sorts of painting versions of the different characters. So, he/she is after the Triforce because of course they are, and so you, Link, have to get the Master Sword (again), obtain the Triforce (again), and save the world (again). So, it seems pretty run of the mill, but the gameplay is its own story…

In this game, the main star of the show, the power that completely flips Hyrule on its head in this game is really cool. At one point, early in the game, you get a purple bracelet that, at first, doesn't do anything. But when the generic evil knevel villain magoo fires their magic beam of whatever at you, you get to use the bracelet as a way to go into walls in a painting form. This small gameplay change almost completely turns Hyrule on its head, giving you new and cool ways to solve puzzles and snag new items. It's really cool and the mechanic alone and how it was executed had me hooked for weeks. Great job, Nintendo. Give me more.

Now let's discuss the difficulty, since that's kind of important when talking about Zelda games. The difficulty varies a lot throughout the game. The main world has the most easy puzzles yet the stuff with collecting all of the Maiamai is awful, whereas the dungeons kept consistently rising level of challenge all throughout. Most of the fun I had in this game was in going through the dungeons or fighting bosses, as whenever they got seriously challenging, it was never because of bad controls or poor level design, it was because I just didn't quite have all the pieces together yet.

Overall, this game is great and I really need to get to the next review. 10 outta 10, A+, whatever, go watch Big Hero 6.

Please leave a comment suggesting game franchises I should talk about down below and please be patient, I know these past few reviews have been way overdue and I apologize greatly for it. The next review will be of SteamWorld Dig for the Nintendo 3DS.